Regular Expression

 g -- global

i -- case sensetive

+ -- atleast one

? -- optional

*  --- zero or more 

.at   --- matches any word that ending or contains  at

g -- global


i -- case sensitive

a+  ---  atleast matching one and proceeding token


matching words that contains atleast one  e

matching words that contains one e and proceeding token at

matching words that has e and a is optional

matching words that has 

e -- compulsory

e-- optional

t -- compulsory

matching words that has 

e -- compulsory

e-- optional

t -- optional

matching words that has 

e -- compulsory

a-- atleast one a

t -- optional

it matching that word has letter  e and r is optional

.at   --- matches any word that ending or contains  at

\w   -- matches all the word

\W  matches  except words

\s  matches white space

matching all words that contain more than 7 letters

matching words that has and contains any of the these letter [Slt]

matching words that has any word from a to z and ending with a

matching the word either T or t 

^  staring line
m  for multiline


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